Monday, July 11, 2011

Yes, I am an Occultist.

Hey, I am glad you are reading my blog! The few of you that know about it, probably also know I am an occultist. What exactly do I mean by 'occultist'? Well, that word has a lot of 'crapola', as a friend of mine likes to say, around it. So lets dissect it, shall we?

This first definition was taken from the merriam-webster website:


transitive verb
to shut off from view or exposure : covereclipse
Origin of OCCULT
Latin occultare, frequentative of occulere
First Known Use: 1500

The second definition from merriam-webster defines the word occult as an adjective:
1.: not revealed : secret
2: not easily apprehended or understood : abstruse,mysterious
3: hidden from view : concealed
4: of or relating to the occult
5: not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone<occult carcinoma>; also : not present in macroscopic amounts <occult blood in a stool>
— oc·cult·ly adverb
Examples of OCCULT
1.    occult practices such as magic and fortune-telling
2.    He began to believe he had occult powers.
Origin of OCCULT
Latin occultus, from past participle of occulere to cover up, from ob- in the way + -culere (akin to celare to conceal)
First Known Use: 1533
Related to OCCULT
And last but not least...
Definition of OCCULT as a noun
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them —used with the
First Known Use of OCCULT
Alright, I won't bore you with any more etymology...let us go forth!
So, we see here that there are two main themes in these definitions: That which is hidden  and that which is Supernatural. No not the show....Although I do like me some Dean Winchester...Yummy....

But back to my point...
I wanted to avoid going into my past, since that can be boring for some, but it is necessary. As a child, I was taught to believe in reincarnation, odd as it is my mother is christian. I have had odd experiences as a child that led me to believe that there was something more out there than what most could see. So I decided to start looking and, here I am three years after the commencement of my journey. 
So, I am an occultist. I study and research the hidden and supernatural of this world. By hidden I mean that which is within me (the Microcosm) as well as that which is around me (the Macrocosm). In saying Hidden, I do not mean lost treasure or, perhaps I do. The treasure I seek is not silver or gold, it is worth much more than that. The treasure I seek lies hidden within me and the universe. I seek to understand myself and in so doing understand (as much as possible) the universe. Magick does form a vital part in my practice, since it can be a necessary tool on this path...but we will leave that vast subject for another post or posts...

Briefly, I will say that in this blog I plan to discuss: 
Kemeticism (Cosmogony, Hieroglyphs-and their possible magickal usage), Asetianism, magick-from my point of view, the Qabalah from a Hermetic standpoint, the Tarot- as both a divinatory tool, a meditation tool, and a magickal tool, Thelema, tips, warnings and suggested reading, for all of you who share somethings in common with me. Otherwise I hope you learn and are able to take something from this and much more!

I must say, that I too am learning. I am but a student and will always be. Most of the time I will write my OPINION here. I am not an Asetian or in any way affiliated with the Aset Ka, so what I say here, please take with a grain of salt, and refer to their website

and the Asetian Bible for any valid information on them, since it is directly from the Order. I am also not an initiate in any Order and I have never taught before. This blog is mostly for ramblings and stray thoughts, and tidbits that I would like to share. NOTHING ELSE. 

I may also occasionally share some fictional writing I often write given I am inspired and maybe even a random drawing or two..perhaps even a recording of my music if I ever feel up to it...:P

Hopefully through this blog I can shed light on things for those of you who are new to the occult path. I don't care what path you are on, since not all of my readers will share the same path as I. All I want is for you to take a bit from this blog and learn and grow, as I learn and grow in writing it. 
Enjoy! Go forth and learn and grow my fellow occultists!


  1. Very nice post here. I love Dean. hehe :)

    Look forward to reading more. I enjoy your posts.

  2. Im looking forward to read more, and to see how you look at life :)

  3. thank you both for reading I will try to write more soon :)
