Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Reflections of an Insomniac

As the blanket of night covers the day
I find solace in its dark embrace.
A clamor of visions begins to race
Here the stars begin their eternal play.
In an opalescent white dress She sways - so bright-
Surrounded by many a gleaming mirror
No amount of force could distract this spell bound seer.
Her silver companions become fiery spot lights.
In a trance, I become audience to this aeonic dance.
The curtains of my vision will not close.
Engaged and inseparable in a celestial union, from Crown to soul.
Never would I leave this spectacle, given the chance.
The sheet of night begins to lift.
The irritant Sun must rise.
The melody of its dance insufferable.
The alarm clock I despise.

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