Monday, March 4, 2013

From now on I will reviewing and critiquing supernatural or fantasy films and TV shows. I will still have articles on occult texts and other related subjects but, for now, this is the path this blog is going to take. I usually enjoy fantasy and fiction films but Red Lights struck me as a 'must watch' from the moment I saw an interview with Rodrigo Cortes (director and producer of the film) and Cillian Murphy. The stars of the film include Cillian Murphy, Robert De Niro, Sigourney Weaver and Elizabeth Olsen. I won't go into the details of the plot TOO MUCH but, I will say that Red Lights is an interesting film that any supernaturally inclined person should watch. 

The two primary characters of the film are Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) and Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy). They are paranormal investigators who debunk various so called 'psychics' and expose them as charlatans. As the story progresses Cillian Murphy's character becomes obsessed with Robert De Niro's character (Simon Silver). Simon Silver is a television psychic who has supposedly healed others and has a plethora of psychic abilities. When Simon Silver decides to make a final appearance in the town where the university where Buckley and Matheson work, Buckley decides to pounce on the opportunity to investigate Silver. However, the more Buckley pushes to find out more about Silver, the more Matheson tells him to stay away from him. Strange things begin to occur to both Buckley and Matheson and when a crucial event pushes Buckley to the edge, his thirst to know more about Silver becomes that much more exacerbated. To say that the film's ending is surprising would be an understatement. Not only does Buckley figure Silver out but he also finds out things about himself that he (and the audience) were not expecting.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Sequence of Days (Mad, I tell you! Mad!)

Greetings Imaginary people who I wish were reading my blog,

The revamp of this blog is for therapeutic reasons only. If I happen to touch the mind, soul, and naughty parts of others then that is simply a plus. Since I am bringing back this blog from the dead like the morbidly cute dog in 'Frankenweenie', I will also be re-introducing myself.

In this blog I will talk about all things occult - that interest me, that is. Critiques of shows, literature and film that make my occult antennae twitch and their possible plausibility to my very own rituals and other 'magickal stuffs'.

I don't like to label what I am (and through the loyal following of this blog you will see) but if you were to label me, I'd say I was a Dark Witch (not wiccan...gods) who follows a Draconian (Luciferian, though I prefer the term 'Draconian' or 'Thelian' - if that's a term) path.

May the writings of the mad, hermit girl commence!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Reflections of an Insomniac

As the blanket of night covers the day
I find solace in its dark embrace.
A clamor of visions begins to race
Here the stars begin their eternal play.
In an opalescent white dress She sways - so bright-
Surrounded by many a gleaming mirror
No amount of force could distract this spell bound seer.
Her silver companions become fiery spot lights.
In a trance, I become audience to this aeonic dance.
The curtains of my vision will not close.
Engaged and inseparable in a celestial union, from Crown to soul.
Never would I leave this spectacle, given the chance.
The sheet of night begins to lift.
The irritant Sun must rise.
The melody of its dance insufferable.
The alarm clock I despise.

Venusian Altar

I lay upon a Venusian altar, the sacrificial lamb
Kneeling before this idol, a heart carved in stone
He is a cruel god that ignores my worship
And demands offerings that tear at the flesh of my heart,
Until all that is left is an empty shell
My mind dulled, my soul stripped of life.
I bow before this idol I call a lover.
My prayers fall upon arrogant ears.
I refuse - I refuse to bow down before him.
I refuse to worship this heartless diety.
No longer shall I light a candle of hope to this tyrant.
No longer shall I pray for him to end the drought within.
I refuse - I refuse to be the sacrificial lamb
I am the wolf.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Artemesia Absinthium - A Sonnet

Wormwood, although bitter draws me in.
Its Green allure begs to be tasted.
Its Serpentine countenance makes the imagination spin.
This venomous drink must not be wasted.
Within you are the clutches of the ethereal dragon.
No telling what the green devil will do.
Emerald liquid bathes the numb lips it has come upon.
A ritual preformed to change its nature, taste, and hue.
From devil to Angel – What an alchemical transformation!
Baptized in water and sugar, emerges an opalescent white
A Green Fairy graces the mind and ignites the imagination.
She enchants my senses, sweetens my pallet – what a magnificent sight!
An experience so freeing
Can only be guided by such a graceful being.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Huntress

She lurks in the shadows
Eying her prey 
Salivating at the thought of the luscious Nectar on Her lips
Nourishing Her, healing Her, filling Her
In the deep, She turns force into form
Once again practicing that ancient forgotten Art
Pleasure and pain. Full and Empty. Not and is.
Her bow pierces the heart of the hunted
Be that enemy or prey.None can escape Her bloody fury. 
For, both in torrents of anger and of lust, She inthralls.
Ever persistent. Ever enduring.
She seeks both satiety of thirst and of curiosity. 
In a never ending cycle of Becoming.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yes, I am an Occultist.

Hey, I am glad you are reading my blog! The few of you that know about it, probably also know I am an occultist. What exactly do I mean by 'occultist'? Well, that word has a lot of 'crapola', as a friend of mine likes to say, around it. So lets dissect it, shall we?

This first definition was taken from the merriam-webster website:


transitive verb
to shut off from view or exposure : covereclipse
Origin of OCCULT
Latin occultare, frequentative of occulere
First Known Use: 1500

The second definition from merriam-webster defines the word occult as an adjective:
1.: not revealed : secret
2: not easily apprehended or understood : abstruse,mysterious
3: hidden from view : concealed
4: of or relating to the occult
5: not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone<occult carcinoma>; also : not present in macroscopic amounts <occult blood in a stool>
— oc·cult·ly adverb
Examples of OCCULT
1.    occult practices such as magic and fortune-telling
2.    He began to believe he had occult powers.
Origin of OCCULT
Latin occultus, from past participle of occulere to cover up, from ob- in the way + -culere (akin to celare to conceal)
First Known Use: 1533
Related to OCCULT
And last but not least...
Definition of OCCULT as a noun
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them —used with the
First Known Use of OCCULT
Alright, I won't bore you with any more etymology...let us go forth!
So, we see here that there are two main themes in these definitions: That which is hidden  and that which is Supernatural. No not the show....Although I do like me some Dean Winchester...Yummy....

But back to my point...
I wanted to avoid going into my past, since that can be boring for some, but it is necessary. As a child, I was taught to believe in reincarnation, odd as it is my mother is christian. I have had odd experiences as a child that led me to believe that there was something more out there than what most could see. So I decided to start looking and, here I am three years after the commencement of my journey. 
So, I am an occultist. I study and research the hidden and supernatural of this world. By hidden I mean that which is within me (the Microcosm) as well as that which is around me (the Macrocosm). In saying Hidden, I do not mean lost treasure or, perhaps I do. The treasure I seek is not silver or gold, it is worth much more than that. The treasure I seek lies hidden within me and the universe. I seek to understand myself and in so doing understand (as much as possible) the universe. Magick does form a vital part in my practice, since it can be a necessary tool on this path...but we will leave that vast subject for another post or posts...

Briefly, I will say that in this blog I plan to discuss: 
Kemeticism (Cosmogony, Hieroglyphs-and their possible magickal usage), Asetianism, magick-from my point of view, the Qabalah from a Hermetic standpoint, the Tarot- as both a divinatory tool, a meditation tool, and a magickal tool, Thelema, tips, warnings and suggested reading, for all of you who share somethings in common with me. Otherwise I hope you learn and are able to take something from this and much more!

I must say, that I too am learning. I am but a student and will always be. Most of the time I will write my OPINION here. I am not an Asetian or in any way affiliated with the Aset Ka, so what I say here, please take with a grain of salt, and refer to their website

and the Asetian Bible for any valid information on them, since it is directly from the Order. I am also not an initiate in any Order and I have never taught before. This blog is mostly for ramblings and stray thoughts, and tidbits that I would like to share. NOTHING ELSE. 

I may also occasionally share some fictional writing I often write given I am inspired and maybe even a random drawing or two..perhaps even a recording of my music if I ever feel up to it...:P

Hopefully through this blog I can shed light on things for those of you who are new to the occult path. I don't care what path you are on, since not all of my readers will share the same path as I. All I want is for you to take a bit from this blog and learn and grow, as I learn and grow in writing it. 
Enjoy! Go forth and learn and grow my fellow occultists!